dijous, 2 de setembre del 2004

Ajundant Bush a guanyar les eleccions

Les manifestacions de Nova York durant la convenció republicana han servit més per ajudar a la relecció de Bush que per perjudicar-lo. Aquesta és la tesi d'Hervada a NetWar.

The demonstrations against the Republican Convention in NYC might help George W. Bush to be re-elected. I don’t know –and I really would like to know- if the Bush campaign managers chose NYC to have their convention looking exactly for this or if it was just a fortunate coincidence, sheer luck. Machivelian craftiness or not, NYC was about the best place in the whole US where you could get that enormous number of tattooed, bodypierced, red flag waving weirdoes shouting obscenities at your candidate. And shout they did. according to all the accounts…

Si una imatge val més que mil paraules no us perdeu aquesta selecció que porta per titular HELPING BUSH TO WIN THE ELECTION.