Per una versió en castellà de la carta, cliqueu aquí.The leaders of the West must recognize that our current strategy towards Russia is failing. Our policies have failed to contribute to the democratic Russia we wished for and the people of this great country deserve after all the suffering they have endured. It is time for us to rethink how and to what extent we engage with Putin's Russia and to put ourselves unambiguously on the side of democratic forces in Russia. At this critical time in history when the West is pushing for democratic change around the world, including in the broader Middle East, it is imperative that we do not look the other way in assessing Moscow's behaviour or create a double standard for democracy in the countries which lie to Europe's East. We must speak the truth about what is happening in Russia. We owe it to the victims of Beslan and the tens of thousands of Russian democrats who are still fighting to preserve democracy and human freedom in their country.
(Josep Pla)
diumenge, 31 d’octubre del 2004
Carta oberta als caps d'estat i de govern de la UE i de l'OTAN
Més de cent personalitats polítique i intel·lectuals han firmat aquesta carta, promoguda per el "Project for the New American Century", per demanar un canvi en l'estratègia política occidental respecte a Rússia. Un canvi que intenti evitar la deriva de Putin cap a un nou règim autoritari i dictatorial. Entre les personalitats que firmen aquesta carta hi ha: Madeleine K. Albright, Giuliano Amato, Timothy Garton Ash , Pascal Bruckner, Massimo D'Alema, Francis Fukuyama, Bronislaw Geremek, Andre Glucksmann, Vaclav Havel, Robert Kagan, Bernard Kouchner, William Kristol o Adam Michnik, per citar només el que poden ser més coneguts entre nosaltres. La carta acaba així: