dilluns, 4 d’octubre del 2004

Kerry guanya en el plató, Bush en el despatx oval

Formalment, Kerry va guanyar el debat a Bush. Aquesta és l'opinió majoritària recollida a les enquestes d'opinió. Però algunes d'aquestes enquestes mostren també que Bush va aconseguir transmetre la idea que una cosa és saber moure's en un plató, en un escenari i de cara a la galeria, cosa que Kerry va fer molt bé, i una altra molt diferent -i molt més important- que es saber treballar com a president. Així ho diu una enquesta de Gallup a la que he tingut accés via NetWar.
John Kerry won the debate Thursday night, 53% to 37%, according to a random sample of 615 registered voters who watched the event. Almost half of the viewers said they felt more favorable about the senator because of the debate, and 60% said Kerry expressed himself more clearly than did President Bush. Despite the positive assessment, viewers said they favored Bush in handling the war in Iraq and serving as commander in chief, little changed from opinions expressed before the debate. And a majority of viewers said it was Bush who better demonstrated he is tough enough for the job.