dimarts, 26 d’octubre del 2004

Sharon: un discurs històric

No us refieu dels intermediaris mediàtics -valgui la redundància- i aneu directament a la font. Això és el que ha explicat Sharon en un discurs històric davant la Knesset defensant el pla de retirada total de la franja de Gaza.

I am accused of deceiving the people and the voters because I am taking steps which are in total opposition to past things I have said and deeds I have done. This is a false accusation. Both during the elections and as Prime Minister, I have repeatedly and publicly said that I support the establishment of a Palestinian state alongside the State of Israel. I have repeatedly and openly said that I am willing to make painful compromises in order to put an end to this ongoing and malignant conflict between those who struggle over this land, and that I would do my utmost in order to bring peace.
El coratge de Sharon ja li ha costat les primeres amenaces de mort en forma de pintades a les parets de Jerusalem i Tel Aviv. Unes amenaces que tenen lloc coincidint amb el novè aniversari de l'assassinat de Yitzak Rabin.