Making sure you know the basis for my choices after the incident is as important to me as knowing how the incident went down. I did not in any way feel like I had captured some kind of "prize" video. In fact, I was heartsick. Immediately after the mosque incident, I told the unit's commanding officer what had happened. I shared the video with him, and its impact rippled all the way up the chain of command. Marine commanders immediately pledged their cooperation.
We all knew it was a complicated story, and if not handled responsibly, could have the potential to further inflame the volatile region. I offered to hold the tape until they had time to look into incident and begin an investigation -- providing me with information that would fill in some of the blanks.
(Josep Pla)
dijous, 25 de novembre del 2004
La versió del càmara Kevin Sites sobre la mort d'un iraquià per un "marine" a Fallujah
Kevin Sites, el càmara que va enregistrar la mort d'un iraquià per un "marine" a una mesquita de Fallujah, explica tot el que va passar en una interessant anotació en la seva weblog.