dijous, 14 de juliol del 2005

No existeixen els "civils" en la llei islàmica

El director del Centre d'Estudis Històrics Al-Maqreze de Londres, Hani Sibai, en una entrevista a la televisió àrab Al-Jazeera, cinc dies després dels atemtpats de Londres, diu que Tony Blair pagarà car l'error d'haver dit que els autors dels atemptats actuaven en nom de l'Islam. Sibai diu també que el concepte "civil" no exiteix en la llei islàmica i que els atemptats són una gran victòria per Al-Qaeda que va restregar els nassos en el fang als 8 països més poderosos del món.
"The term 'civilians' does not exist in Islamic religious law. Dr. Karmi is sitting here, and I am sitting here, and I'm familiar with religious law. There is no such term as 'civilians' in the modern Western sense. People are either of Dar Al-Harb or not.
"These associations do not represent the Muslim public. They collaborate with the British police for certain interests. They want an 'English Islam,' and not the Islam that was sent to the Prophet Muhammad. If Al-Qa'ida indeed carried out this act, it is a great victory for it. It rubbed the noses of the world's eight most powerful countries in the mud. This victory is a blow to the economy..."
"I think that British Prime Minister Tony Blair made a grave error when he spoke before the investigation and claimed that the perpetrators of these acts were acting in the name of Islam. I think that he will pay the price for this grave error in the future. No possibility should be ruled out. We do not rule out the possibility that it was done by the intelligence agency of another Western country hostile to Britain. We do not rule out countries... or some Zionist Americans who wanted to overshadow the G-8 summit.
L'entrevista, transcrita pel MEMRI, la podeu llegir aquí. Per veure el vídeo, aquí.