REUTER.- The head of a year-long investigation into Iraqi oil-for-food program intends to fault both Secretary-General Kofi Annan and members of the U.N. Security Council on Wednesday for allowing Saddam Hussein to corrupt the operation for personal gain.
Paul Volcker, the former U.S. Federal Reserve chairman, addresses and delivers his 1,000-page report to the 15-nation Security Council after releasing its preface a day earlier.
The report said a major problem was that no one was in charge -- neither the Security Council, meant to supervise the program, nor the U.N. secretariat headed by Annan, who is not accused of any personal gain.
"When things went awry -- and they surely did -- when troublesome conflicts arose between political objectives and administrative effectiveness, decisions were delayed, bungled or simply shunned," said the preface.
Consequently, ex-President Saddam Hussein was able to exploit the program and its "wholesale corruption" among private companies, which will be detailed in an October report.
The report's timing could not be worse, before Annan presides over the largest world summit ever on Sept. 14-16, a meeting of the U.N. General Assembly.
(Josep Pla)
dimarts, 6 de setembre del 2005
Volcker mostrarà una ONU rossegada per la corrupció i la incompetència
L'informe final sobre l'escàndol del programa Petroli per Aliments es presentarà demà al Consell de Seguretat. Segons el "Financial Times", l'informe del cap de la comissiò d'investigació interna de l'ONU, presidida per Paul Volcker, recomanarà una reforma profunda i urgent de la cúpula de les Nacions Unides per millorar la seva gestió i evitar cassos de corrupció com el del pograma Petroli per Aliments. L'informe no acusarà de falta d'ètica a Kofi Annan però si li atribueix responsabilitats administratives.