dijous, 26 de gener del 2006

Israel no va aconseguir matar bin Laden el 1996

El Mossad i el servei d'espionatge d'una altra país van reclutar el 1996 una dona propera a Bin Laden perquè l'assassinés, però el pla va fallar, segons revela el diari isrealià Yedioth Aharonoth.

An Israeli investigation was eventually able to identify Bin Laden's confidante, prompting officials to press her to join the operation. The efforts were made through cooperation with intelligence officials in the country where the woman was born and that maintains secret ties with Israel. According to the plan, the woman was eventually supposed to assassinate her boss, Bin Laden. The woman agreed to cooperate and the operation got under way, with Bin Laden's killing only a matter of time. However, as it turns out, a crisis between Israel and the Palestinian Authority put a freeze on ties between the Mossad and the foreign intelligence service involved in the operation. By the time cooperation resumed, Bin Laden already moved to another country and the operation was never carried out.