divendres, 10 de febrer del 2006

Hamas i els Germans Musulmans van congelar fins després de les eleccions la campanya contra les caricatures daneses

Barcepundit ens facilita avui tres enllaços a informacions i anàlisis sobre la manipulació de les manifestacions contra les caricatures de Mahoma que publiquen avui el New York Times, el Washington Post i el New York Post. Entre elles, destaca l’article d’Amir Taheri al New York Post que, entre altres coses, explica com es va organitzar la campanya i, sobre tot, perquè aquesta es va retardar fins el mes de gener, ja que ni als Germans Musulmans egipcis ni al Hamas palestí els interessava esbombar el tema abans de les eleccions, a les que es presentaven sota l’aparença de “moderats”.
The Danish Muslim group also did something dishonest — it added a number of far more derogatory cartoons of the Prophet to the 12 published by the Jyllands-Posten newspaper, and misled its interlocutors in Muslim capitals into believing that all had appeared in the Danish press. In Cairo, the Muslim Brotherhood told the Danish group that this was not the time to kick a fuss over the cartoons. The brotherhood was busy plotting its election strategy and pretending to be a "moderate" political party. The last thing it wanted was to be branded as a rabid anti-West force. The brotherhood leaders suggested that the matter be put on ice until January. The Danish militants also received a negative reply from Hamas, the Palestinian radical movement. Hamas was busy trying to win a general election and needed to reassure at least part of the Palestinian middle classes. The Hamas advice was: Wait until after we have won.
ADDENDA.- Una resenya de l'article del New York Times la publica "El País" Los países islámicos coordinaron su repulsa a las viñetas de Mahoma en un encuentro en diciembre (PDF)