Of course the dictators are mortally afraid of that, and that is why they want to give the West the impression that their people are violent lunatics, and that these extremists would win the elections if they are forced to introduce democracy. That is why the tyrant Bashar al-Assad sends Syrians to Beirut, where they have to ask for the way to the Danish embassy, in order to burn it down.
The risk is that we let us be deceived into moderating the demands for change. Combined with the chaos in Iraq and the success of Hamas in the Palestinian elections this might be a turning point where we become more hesitant and more interested in stability.
(Josep Pla)
dimecres, 8 de febrer del 2006
La violència no és contra les caricatures sinó contra la democratització dels països musulmans
Johan Norberg té por que la crisi de les caricatures de Mahoma perjudiqui el procés de democratització del Pròxim Orient. Els violents aldarulls d’aquests dies, atiats en molts casos pels propis governs, pretenen que Occident torni a preferir a la regió dictadures estables a democràcies imprevisibles.