divendres, 17 de febrer del 2006

L’imam danès Ahmed Akkari tenia antecedents per agressió contra un menor

Ahmed AkkariEl portaveu dels imams fonamentalistes de Dinamarca, Ahmed Akkari, va agredir un nen a cops de puny fins deixar-lo inconscient perquè tot jugant va treure el vel que cobria el cabell d’una nena musulmana. La policia el va detenir i se li va prohibir acostar-se a l’escola. Aquests antecedents els ha revelat el diari danès Jyllands-Posten. La versió en anglès la facilita Freedom for Egyptians.
According to the famous Danish newspaper JyllandsPosten, the spokesman of the extremist Imams in Denmark, Mr. Ahmed Akkari, violently attacked a 10 to 11 years old pupil while training to become a teacher at Lykkeskolen in Århus. The episode, that took place some years ago, was reported to the police by the school, and Mr. Akkari sacked immediately and forbidden future access to the premises of the school.

Mr. Akkari attacked the boy, during a run and catch game, when the boy touched the headscarf of a girl so that her hair got exposed. Mr. Akkari knocked the boy to the ground and several times hit him in the chest with his fists, completely loosing his self control.

I think this guy should have deported from where her came from. He is a childhood abuser.