dijous, 23 de març del 2006

Lego es queixa a l'ONU

Versió en àrab del poster de l'ONUL'empresa danesa Lego s'ha queixat que l'ONU no l'hagi advertit de la utilització d'un dels seus productes en un poster contra el racisme, especialment quan aquesta empresa ha col·laborat amb les Nacions Unides en campanyes a favor dels refugiats. El portaveu de Lego ha dit que "és un problema veure com aquest poster mostra Lego en relació amb el racisme o com a racista". El poster ha desaparegut ja de la web de l'ONU. Sobre el tema, el diari danès que va publicar les caricatures, el Jyllands-Posten, publica el següent article traduit a l'anglès (Michelle Malkin, via Chroniques de l'Extrême-Centre):
LEGO on Racism Poster
UN's International Racism Day uses Lego block as focal point. Toy giant is extremely surprised

The UN is now linking the Danish toy giant LEGO together with racism. It happened today- on the international day on racism- that the UN's High Commission for Human Rights used as a focal point for a wide global arrangement has launched a poster with the with slogan "Racism can take may forms". Right under the slogan, which is also produced in Arabic, is a picture of a LEGO block.

(Danish) Institute for Human Rights chairman professor Claus Haagen Jensen is shaken. "This is tactless and a stupidity. It's directed at when the cartoons were published, as the Jyllands-Posten pointed out. The UN human rights commission should therefore not misuse its mandate." He believes that there is reason to investigate this issue. "Is this supposed to be a little unfriendly greeting to Denmark? It is really extremely unfortunate", he said.

LEGO goes to the UN

LEGO is very surprised about the company's very recognizable product is being used in connection with racism. LEGO's communications chief Charlotte Simonsen explains that they will now get in touch with the UN. "This is problematic, to know that this poster should include LEGO connected with racism or as racists. We really have to wonder that the UN didn't let us know in advance when LEGO has previously worked together with the UN's Refugee Commisson on a campaign" said Ms Simonsen.

Danish Peoples Party leader, Pia Kjærsgaard, finds the UN poster unacceptable. "One would have to be more than usually naive to not see that this is an outrageous insult. It is my assumption that they have tried to symbolize the Mohammed-cartoon crisis as something very Danish". She feels that this is the latest example of how the UN has over time lost its founding values.