dilluns, 20 de març del 2006

L’Iraq i la internacional mediàtica

Acabo d’aterrar a Barcelona provenint de l’altra hemisferi i comprovo que la internacional mediàtica continua a les barricades sense defallir. No esperava menys, però tampoc m’esperava tant. Connecto la tele i el primer titular és com un cop de puny a l’ull: Iraq, ni pau ni democràcia. Mig estabornit i amb l’ull tumefacte intento entreveure quin nou apocalipsi ha passat mentre era de vacances, però no ha passat res; simplement, rememoren “el tercer aniversari de l’ocupació de l’Iraq”. I es que a la internacional mediàtica li agraden més les efemèrides històriques que a un “tonto” un llapis perquè poden predicar obertament sense haver de subjectar-se a les cada vegada més lleus referències factuals que utilitzen els dies feiners.

Si us voleu desintoxicar una mica, us recomano que llegiu sense intermediaris il·luminats el que diuen els iraquians d’Iraq the Model:

The democracy we're practicing today in Iraq is the exact opposite of what we had for decades and until three years ago. This democracy carries the essence of life, the differences, the dynamics and yes, the failures but also the seed of a better future. Before the liberation we were suffering and we had no hope, now we are also suffering but we have hope and I see this hope even in the words of those that are cynical about the outcome of the political process; who say they hope things will be better in four years or eight years… When Saddam was here we didn't have any hope and we could expect nothing good from a dead regime that cared only about its absolute existence. Yes. We are facing enormous and dangerous challenges and this is not unexpected because the old will not easily step down and accept the loss; the old will fight back fiercely and the old here is not only Saddam and the Ba'ath, the old can be found among many of our current leaders and the mentality they carry that belong to the same generation that bred Saddam but I believe they will melt away as well because no one can go against the direction of time and the clock cannot be forced backwards. The green bud looks weak and is buried in the dirt and surrounded by a tough shell but it will break through this covering, pierce the dirt and stand on its feet to announce a new era. We will not be defeated and orphans of the dark past will get what they deserve and our sacrifices and the sacrifices of those who stand with us shall not go in vain, our sacrifices will pave an easier road for those want to follow us when they decide it's time for them to change. And yes…Iraq will be the model.

[ADDENDA: Barcepundit publica la versió en castellà d'aquest post amb un afegit dels germans Mohammed i Omar per als lectors espanyols]

Una altra recomanació. Gateway Pundit fa un repàs a algunes de les incongruències més sonades de la internacional políticomediàtica contrària a l’alliberament de l’Iraq. En aquesta anotació trobareu una gràfica significativa, aquesta: