dilluns, 3 d’abril del 2006

Valenta Jill Carroll

Jill, parlant amb la seva famíliaJill Carroll, una vegada lluny de les urpes dels seus botxins, ho explica clarament i sense embuts: són uns assassins i punt. Ni gràcies, ni connivència política amb els gloriosos "resistents" i menys encara síndrome d'Stockholm. La veritat pura i dura:
During my last night in captivity, my captors forced me to participate in a propaganda video. They told me they would let me go if I cooperated. I was living in a threatening environment, under their control, and wanted to go home alive. I agreed.

Things that I was forced to say while captive are now being taken by some as an accurate reflection of my personal views. They are not. The people who kidnapped me and murdered Allan Enwiya are criminals, at best. They robbed Allan of his life and devastated his family. They put me, my family and my friends--and all those around the world, who have prayed so fervently for my release--through a horrific experience. I was, and remain, deeply angry with the people who did this.
La resta, aquí.