dijous, 25 de maig del 2006

El candidat demòcrata a governador d'Alabama proposa el linxament d'immigrants il·legals

El novembre passat el Partit Demòcrata va escollir Harry Lyon candidat a governador de l'Estat d'Alabama. Aquest individu té un programa electoral que, entre altres coses, proposa linxar un grup d'immigrants il·legals davant les càmares de la CNN per que serveixi d'escarment i d'advertiment.
Lyon said if elected, he would sponsor a law to get all illegal immigrants out of the state within 90 days, or be hanged in public. "It would only take five or 10 getting killed and broadcast on CNN for it to send a clear message to not set foot in Alabama," said Lyon, a Pelham lawyer. "Anybody that breaks into my home is a threat to my life. I remember the Alamo."
Lyon inclou a la seva candidatura Larry Darby com a candidat a Fiscal General d'Alabama. el tal Darby no només té idees similars a les de Lyon per resoldre el problema de la immigració il·legal, sinó que a més a més és un negacionista convençut de l'Holocaust:
Speaking in an interview with The Associated Press, Darby said he believes no more than 140,000 Jewish people died in Europe during World War II, and most of them succumbed to ty phus.

Historians say about 6 mil lion Jews were slaughtered by the Nazis, but Darby said the figure is a false claim of the "Holocaust industry."

"I am what the propagandists call a Holocaust denier, but I do not deny mass deaths that included some Jews," Darby said. "There was no systematic extermination of Jews. There's no evidence of that at all."

I nosaltrres que crèiem que els únics dolents eren els republicans!