A FORMER army intelligence officer’s claims that Martin McGuinness, Sinn Fein’s chief negotiator and a former Provisional IRA chief-of-staff, was a British agent were dismissed by his party yesterday.
The Sunday World, a tabloid newspaper based in Dublin, quoted a former member of the Army’s controversial Force Research Unit, running paramilitary agents in Northern Ireland, as saying: “McGuinness was working for MI6.”
A number of other Irish newspapers made the same allegation but did not name Mr McGuinness, referring instead to “a senior member of the Provisional IRA and Sinn Fein” and “a leading Sinn Fein member”.
(Josep Pla)
dimecres, 31 de maig del 2006
Martin McGuinness era espia britànic?
La notícia la publicava el diari sensacionalista de Dublin, Sunday World, i el Times de Londres s'en feia ressò: