This document appears to provide evidence that in 1999 the Taliban welcomed "Islamic relations with Iraq" to mediate between the Taliban, the Northern Alliance and Russia. It seems to provide evidence that the Taliban invited Iraqi officials to Afghanistan. According to this notebook, the Taliban did this via Maulana Fazlur Rahman. The notebook later mentions that another man, Fazlur Rahman Khalil, was visiting Iraq as well, although no transcript of that meeting is provided.
There is another document in the Saddam archive that mentions the relationship of Fazlur Rahman to the Taliban and Saddam. It was captured in Afghanistan and used by the U.S. Army in a report about Al Qaeda. The document is posted under the identifying Harmony number AFGP-2002-601693 at the West Point Combating Terrorism Center. The posted translation is described as a July 26, 2002 four-page typed letter from Abu Mus'ab to Abu Mohammed (apparently Al Qaeda or Taliban operatives) in reply to his inquiry about the status of jihad, or holy war, in Afghanistan:
After my release I found that people came from the Sudan and everywhere, and began fighting alongside the Taliban movement, which for Pakistan was a substitute for Hikmatyar. Everyone, even children in the streets knew that they were created and controlled by Pakistan. Their leader Fadhlurahman is a friend of Banazeer, Saddam and Qaddafi. They comprise of the veteran sheikhs (religious scholars) from the schools of Mujaddidi and Mohammed Nabi such as Sheikh Mohammed ‘Omar the movement leader
(Josep Pla)
dimecres, 14 de juny del 2006
Més documents sobre els vincles entre Saddam, els Talibans i Al Qaeda
Fox News publica un document descobert per les tropes nord-americanes a Bagdad l'any 2003 que relata una reunió l'any 1999 entre el vicepresident iraquià Taha Yassin Ramadan, i un seguidor d'Al Qaeda/Talibans, Maulana Fazlur Rahman, del qual la BBC n'havia parlat en un article del 2002. El document és un cuadern d'un oficial dels serveis d'intel·ligència iraquià que evidencia les relacions de cooperació i operatives al més alt nivell entre el govern de Saddam Hussein i els Talibans, segons publica Chroniques de l'Extrême-Centre.