divendres, 7 de juliol del 2006

Iraq-ADM: de mica en mica s'omple la pica

Tres nous documents trobats a l'Iraq demostrarien que dos mesos abans de començar la guerra, Saddam Hussein mantenia en actiu alguns programes d'armes químiques i bacteriològiques.
Three recently translated documents seem to shed some light over Iraq’s effort to develop chemical weapons as late as 2003: Powerline writes on a 1999 letter (pdf) discussing how to evade the search for “non-conventional weapons and other chemical agents” and to relocate “all IIS chemical materials and equipment”. Captain’s Quarters reports on two documents: the first is a memo (pdf) from a January 21, 2003 meeting that involves chemical projects scheduled for implementation in the coming year. The second is another memo (pdf) announcing personnel transfers to a biological weapons program ominously called “Anthrax Operation Room.”
Pajamas Media, vía Barcepundit.