dilluns, 18 de setembre del 2006

Al Qaeda prepara atacs contra la UNIFIL al sud del Líban

According to some Western and Lebanese intelligence sources, al Qaeda has named veteran Abu Rush al-Miqati, 56, an old Middle East hand, to organize the attack. Lebanese interior minister Ahmad Fatfat reports 13 al Qaeda cells are operating in Lebanon and are being mustered for the attack.
The Italian defense minister Arturo Parisi, who visited Italian forces at Ras a Maroun in South Lebanon, reminded them that al Qaeda’s Ayman Zawahiri this week stated that UNIFIL forces in Lebanon faced attack as “enemies of Islam.”
Parisi said he was not surprised by al Qaeda’s message and warned the soldiers their mission could be “long, risky, costly and difficult.” But we are here, he said, to defend the security of Israel and strengthen Lebanon’s ability to control its territory. “We know the terrorists are not on our side.”

Més informació, aquí.

La decapitació d'Al Qaeda a l'Iraq continua

Aquí podeu trobar la llista completa de dirigents d'Al Qaeda morts o capturats a l'Iraq. Senzillament, impressionant.