dilluns, 2 d’octubre del 2006

El forat negre de l'ONU

A finals d'any, Kofi Annan deixa la secretaria general de l'ONU. Un bon moment, doncs, per fer balanç de la seva gestió. Una gestió plagada de forats negres i durant la qual han tingut lloc els pitjors escàndols de la història de les Nacions Unides. D'una banda, l'afer de corrupció de més gran abast internacional després de la segona guerra mundial: el programa "Petroli per Aliments" per a l'Iraq de Saddam Hussein. D'altra banda, els múltiples i reiterats abusos sexuals contra dones i menors, especialment al Congo però també a d'altres països, comesos per cascos blaus, és a dir, per les forces encarregades de la seva protecció. Només per això, Annan hauria d'haver abandonat la secretaria general ja fa temps. Però les seves responsabilitats no s'acaben aquí. Encara n'hi ha de més greus. Responsabilitats que l'haurien de portar davant els tribunals per la seva actuació, o inacció, en la massacre de Srebrenica i els genocidis de Rwanda i Dafur.

Ho detalla Adam LeBor en l'article "Is there blood on his hands?" que publica el Times de Londres:

The bodies were still warm when Lieutenant Ron Rutten found them: nine corpses in civilian clothes lying crumpled by a stream, each shot in the back at close range. It was July 12, 1995, and the UN-declared “safe area” of Srebrenica had fallen the previous day. The lush pastures of eastern Bosnia were about to become Europe’s bloodiest killing fields since 1945.

Refugees poured into the UN compound. But the Dutch peacekeepers (Dutchbat) were overwhelmed and the Serbs confiscated their weapons. “From the moment I found those bodies, it was obvious to me that the Bosnian Serbs planned to kill all the men,” Rutten said. He watched horrified as Dutch troops guided the men and boys onto the Serb buses.

Srebrenica is rarely mentioned nowadays in Annan’s offices on the 38th floor of the UN secretariat building in New York. He steps down in December after a decade as secretary-general. His retirement will be marked by plaudits. But behind the honorifics and the accolades lies a darker story: of incompetence, mismanagement and worse. Annan was the head of the Department of Peacekeeping Operations (DPKO) between March 1993 and December 1996. The Srebrenica massacre of up to 8,000 men and boys and the slaughter of 800,000 people in Rwanda happened on his watch. In Bosnia and Rwanda, UN officials directed peacekeepers to stand back from the killing, their concern apparently to guard the UN’s status as a neutral observer. This was a shock to those who believed the UN was there to help them.

Annan’s term has also been marked by scandal: from the sexual abuse of women and children in the Congo by UN peacekeepers to the greatest financial scam in history, the UN-administered oil-for-food programme. Arguably, a trial of the UN would be more apt than a leaving party.

The charge sheet would include guarding its own interests over those it supposedly protects; endemic opacity and lack of accountability; obstructing investigations, promoting the inept and marginalising the dedicated. Such accusations can be made against many organisations. But the UN is different. It has a moral mission.

It was founded by the allies in 1945 to “save succeeding generations from the scourge of war” and “reaffirm faith in fundamental human rights”. Its key documents – the Charter, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the genocide convention – are the most advanced formulation of human rights in history. And they have been flouted by UN member states for decades.

A more specific charge would be that, under the doctrine of command responsibility, the UN is guilty of war crimes. Broadly speaking, it has three principles: that a commander ordered atrocities to be carried out, that he failed to stop them, despite being able to, or failed to punish those responsible. The case rests on the second, that in Rwanda in 1994, in Srebrenica in 1995 and in Darfur since 2003, the UN knew war crimes were occurring or about to occur, but failed to stop them, despite having the means to do so.

(Via Barcepundit)