dijous, 26 d’octubre del 2006

El parlament australià qualifica els atemtpats suïcides de crim contra la humanitat

Austràlia és el primer país del món que s'ha sumat a la campanya promoguda pel Centre Wiesenhtal perquè els atemptats suïcides siguin considerats un "crim contra la humanitat".
In a major victory for the Simon Wiesenthal Center's campaign, the Australian Parliament has become the first body to pass a bipartisan motion that urges that suicide terrorism be treated as a "crime against humanity". If adopted by the Community of Nations, this would strengthen efforts to curb terrorism and those who continue to recruit young people into a deadly culture of death.Photo: Dr. Shimon Samuels, the Center's International Relations Director with Prime Minister John Howard at the 2006 World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.Against the backdrop of the unending spate of suicide bombings in the Middle East and beyond, we ask you to join with the Wiesenthal Center in urging Australia’s Prime Minister, John Howard, to take the lead on the global stage and present the suicide terror/crime against humanity initiative at the United Nations and all other relevant international and regional forums