divendres, 24 de novembre del 2006

Ha guanyat "Pat Buchanan" les eleccions holandeses?

El gran vencedor d'aquestes eleccions a Holanda ha estat un partit d'orígens maoïstes, el comunista Socialistische Partij (SP), que s'ha convertit en la tercera força política del país al passar de 9 a 17 escons, en un parlament molt fragmentat de 150 membres. La Llista de Pym Fortuin ha perdut els seus 8 escons a favor dels 9 que ha obtingut l'"islamòfob" PVV, del liberal dissident Geert Wilders que ha recollit la torxa del líder polític assassinat. Artimèticament, l'SP podria formar una majoria de 76 escons pactant amb sis petits partits d'esquerres, però les seves diferències ideològiques són molt grans per fer-ho possible, especialment pel que fa al procés de construcció europea i al tracte a la immigració. També han doblat el seu escons, al passar de 3 a 6, el Christen Unie, un partit calvinista de moral conservadora però defensor de polítiques econòmiques d'esquerra. En aquest context, el més problable és una coalició de centre-esquerra entre els cristianodemòcrates del CDA, que han passat de 44 a 41 escons, i els laboristes del PvdA, que han passat de 42 a 32 escons. Els escons que els falten els podria facilitar el Christen Unie, que s'afegiria a la coalició.

Però a banda de l'aritmètica electoral, aquestes eleccions han revelat l'existència de fenomens més profunds. D'una banda, com analitza Paul Belien, la confirmació que el vot d'orígen immigrant es decanta en massa cap a l'esquerra amb l'aparició de diputats musulmans identitaristes.
Seventy per cent of the immigrants participated in yesterday’s elections, indicating a political awareness almost as high as that of the indigenous Dutch. Though not all the elected candidates are officially known yet, at least eight Muslims are expected to have been voted into Parliament. If Labour joins a government coalition the Moroccan-born Amsterdam politician Nehabat Aboutaleb is likely to become the first Muslim minister in Dutch history.

The new generation of immigrant politicians do not have much in common with the former Dutch politician Ayaan Hirsi Ali, a Somali-born immigrant who moved to the Netherlands in 1992. Hirsi Ali, a Muslim apostate, was a member of the Dutch Parliament for the center-right free-market Liberals from January 2003 until last July. She has since moved to the U.S. because Islamist fanatics threatened to kill her and the Dutch were not able (or willing) to adequately protect her. Hirsi Ali was very critical of Muslim immigrants who do not want to embrace Dutch secular values. The newly elected immigrant politicians, on the contrary, represent a growing and demographically young electorate that insists on its Muslim identity. Often their loyalties lie more with their countries of origin than with the Dutch nation, which they look upon mainly as a welfare distributing Santa Claus.
D'altra banda, l'ascens d'una esquerra radical i puritana. L'aparició d'un líder comunista que ha recuperat la seva fe cristiana, que manté un discurs antiimperialista i que considera la immigració com un parany capitalista per mantenir baix el sou de la classe obrera holandesa. Un progressista que vol l'assimilació dels immigrants a la nació holandesa, als seus costums, llengua i tradicions. Un proteccionista coherent. Aquest comportament paradoxal és el que porta a Belien a comparar el conservador nord-americà Pat Buchanan amb el líder comunista holandès Jan Marijnissen.
He insists that immigrants learn to speak Dutch, that Dutch national history be taught at school, and that immigrants be spread over the country in order to avoid ghettoization. The SP is also against the European Union. It is the largest Eurosceptic party in the Netherlands. It is significant that Geert Wilders, the other victor of yesterday’s elections, is also an outspoken Eurosceptic. However, while Wilders can be called a neo-conservative, Marijnissen resembles a paleo-conservative. He is also an outspoken opponent of the war in Iraq and one of the fiercest critics of America’s international policies. Marijnissen’s leftism is most apparent in the economic policies he proposes – protectionism, higher taxes for the rich, state interference to curtail the “greed” of the markets, free healthcare, more social benefits for the poor,… On cultural [Americans would say “social”] issues, however, the SP has become ever more conservative. During the past decade its ideology moved towards communitarianism. Marijnissen even rediscovered his former Christian faith. One of his supporters is Monsignor Tiny (Martinus) Muskens, the “red” Bishop of Breda, who once said that stealing is not a sin for the poor, but who also stressed that dialogue between Christians and Muslims will lead nowhere so long it remains impossible to build churches in Saudi Arabia. The SP’s party conference last month resembled a Christian meeting. Huub Oosterhuis, a Dutch theologian and former priest who was excommunicated by the Vatican over sexual ethics, held a sermon extolling the virtues of Christianity. The audience sang psalms and listened to gospel music. In this sense the SP, though one of the most anti-American of the Dutch parties, seemed almost the most American of them.

Alguns s'espanten perquè creuen que Pim Fortuyn ha obtingut una victòria pòstuma. Lamentablement, no és del tot cert. És veritat que la seva posició enèrgica contra el relativisme cultural ha guanyat adeptes, però no tant des del punt de vista liberal sinó sobre tot des del més ranci conservadurisme de dreta i d'esquerra.