dijous, 12 d’abril del 2007

Va ser relament torturat Jalal Sharafi?

La història que explica el diplomàtic iranià Jalal Shafari sembla poc creïble. No perquè a l'Iraq no siguin possibles els maltractaments i les tortures, sinó perquè no té cap lògica que la detenció d'un diplomàtic, que més d'hora que tard havia de ser alliberat, fos torturat per botxins identificats com a membres de la CIA i amb uns mètodes que deixen les marques suficients perquè després puguin ser explotades publicitàriament. Tampoc quadra massa que Shafari no entrés a l'hospital fins dies després d'arribar a l'Iran, just després de les declaracions dels soldats britànics desmentint la versió idíl·lica del seu captiveri donada per l'Iran i amplificada pels media occidentals.

Jalal Sharafi, the Iranian diplomat who was set free “coincidentally” exactly right after the Islamic Republic freed the British sailors, attended a news conference today and discussed what he has gone through in the 57 days he was kept captive by an unknown group in Iraq. He claimed to have been interrogated by an English-speaking person who had claimed to have connections to the US Embassy. His extensive list of torture included drilling his feet and a fake execution. The conference was held in the Foreign Ministry and was followed by photographers taking pictures of his wounds, while he was sitting on a wheelchair for the whole event. More pictures here. Mehr had reported yesterday that the Red Cross representative in Iran has also visited him and has examined his wounds. Since the begining of this story many Iranians have been asking why he did not look sick at all when he first came to Iran. In fact, he left Tehran four days ago to go to his hometown, Kermanshah (ISNA). His return to Tehran and his hospitalization and then the statement by his doctors that he needs to be looked after for many years are the mysteries of this dilemma. A commenter in Balatarin writes “the government does not even have access to good filmmakers”.
In another news, the Armed Forces
announced that a documentary is to be published regarding the arrest of the British sailors. In the meantime, in the UK, Faye Turney is talking to the press about her fear of rape and also a bashing conversation with Ahmadinejad (also see this). At least, no one dies when they shoot words.