dimarts, 25 de setembre del 2007

Al Qaeda ha perdut a l’Iraq

Barcepundit enllaça amb un altra magnífic article del periodista independent Michael J. Totten sobre la situació a l’Iraq. En aquest cas es tracta d’un entrevista al tinent coronel Mike Silverman de la tercera divisió d’infanteria de les forces nord-americanes a l’Iraq, on explica fil per randa la situació sobre el terreny. La conclusió és aquesta:

“That we’re fighting Al Qaeda,” he said without hesitation. “[Abu Musab al] Zarqawi invented Al Qaeda in Iraq. The top leadership outside Iraq squawked and thought it was a bad idea. Then he blew up the Samarra mosque, triggered a civil war, and got the whole world’s attention. Then the Al Qaeda leadership outside dumped huge amounts of money and people and arms into Anbar Province. They poured everything they had into this place. The battle against Americans in Anbar became their most important fight in the world. And they lost.”