dissabte, 20 d’octubre del 2007

El 64% dels afganesos donen suport a l’OTAN

Una gran majoria d’afganesos donen suport a la presència de tropes de l’OTAN al seu país i desitgen que hi continuïn fins a la derrota definitiva dels talibans. Ho mostra una enquesta canadenca feta per Environics Research per encàrrec de The Globe and Mail, la CBC i La Presse.

According to the survey, conducted between Sept. 17 and 24 with a sample of 1,578 men and women, 60 per cent said the presence of foreigners in the country was a good thing. Only 16 per cent said it was a bad thing, while 22 per cent said it was equally good and bad. (…)

Asked which foreign countries are present in Afghanistan with soldiers, aid workers and businessmen, 95 per cent named the United States, 63 per cent named Germany, 52 per cent Britain and 46 per cent Canada.(…)

51 Percentage of Afghans who think the country is headed in the "right direction"
73 Percentage who think women are better off now than under the Taliban
71 Percentage "very" or "somewhat" positive about their government
59 Percentage who believe President Hamid Karzai represents their interests
84 Percentage who have "a lot" or "some" confidence in the Afghan National Army
76 Percentage who have confidence in the Afghan National Police
60 Percentage who say foreign presence since the Taliban's fall has been a "good thing"
64 Percentage who say foreign countries are doing a good job fighting the Taliban
65 Percentage who believe foreign countries are doing a good job providing reconstruction assistance
64 Percentage who say the U.S. is doing a "good job of helping Afghanistan where it needs it most"
95 Percentage aware of U.S. presence in the country