Extrême-Centre publica una mostra dels equilibris semàntics que han fet els mèdia políticament correctes per no “criminalitzar” els musulmans i “normalitzar” l’agressió:
Washington Post : Canadian Teen Dies; Father Charged.
Lloyd Robertson, presentador del tenotícies de CTV News , evitant fer servir la paraula “estrangular”: “Her neck was compressed, to the point she couldn’t breathe.”
The Gazette de Montreal: Murder does not reflect Muslim values: Muhammed Parvez might have been fighting a losing battle trying to make Aqsa wear a hijab, but that hardly sets him apart. Few are the fathers, of any faith or none, who have not clashed with their adolescent daughters over something …
Mohamed Elmasry, president du Canadian Islamic Congress :“I don’t want the public to think that this is really an Islamic issue or an immigrant issue, it is a teenager issue.”
Shahina Siddiqui, the president of the Islamic Social Services Association : “The strangulation death of Ms. Parvez was the result of domestic violence, a problem that cuts across Canadian society and is blind to colour or creed.”
Sources : Michelle Malkin , Mark Steyn