dijous, 6 de desembre del 2007

Primer vol comercial des d'un aeroport de l'Iraq

Per primera vegada des de 1993, diumenge passat es va enalirar el primer un vol comercial des d'un aeroport de l'Iraq. En concret, de les pistes del renovat aeroport de Mosul, al nord del país, segons inform l'MNF-Iraq:

For the first time in 14 years, a commercial airlines flight departed the Mosul Airport Dec. 2, carrying Muslim religious pilgrims on their annual trek to Mecca, Saudi Arabia.The Mosul Airport, built in 1992, had not seen commercial airline traffic since U.S. military forces declared the city a no-fly zone in 1993. After recent cooperation between by Iraqi and U.S. government agencies, and employing local workers, the airport was rebuilt with the intent to continue commercial air service to Saudi Arabia and other locations.Around 10:30 Sunday night, 152 Hajj pilgrims departed on Iraqi Airways Flight 020, bound for Baghdad, where they were to board another flight for Saudi Arabia and other locations.