According to a new report by The Pew Research Center for the People & the Press, half of white women now have a negative perception of Obama. Forty-nine percent of white women view Obama unfavorably, while only 43 percent hold a favorable opinion. In February, 36 percent of these women viewed Obama unfavorably, while 56 percent had a positive perception of the likely Democratic nominee. Over the same period, Democratic white women’s negative view of Obama increased from 21 percent to 35 percent, while their positive view decreased from 72 percent to 60 percent — roughly the same rate as white women overall.
(Josep Pla)
divendres, 30 de maig del 2008
Obama perd el suport de les dones blanques
L’aspirant a la nominació demòcrata ha perdut una part substancial del suport que tenia entre les dones de raça blanca, especialment entre les demòcrates i les independents: