diumenge, 14 de setembre del 2008

Pels que encara no sabien que els Rosenberg eren espies de debò

Els arxius soviètics ho havien deixat clar: el matrimoni Rosenberg eren espies de Moscou. Ara, ho confirma un dels seus antics companys, que també va ser condemnat. Ho explica el New York Times:
In 1951, Morton Sobell was tried and convicted with Julius and Ethel Rosenberg on espionage charges. He served more than 18 years in Alcatraz and other federal prisons, traveled to Cuba and Vietnam after his release in 1969 and became an advocate for progressive causes.

Through it all, he maintained his innocence.

But on Thursday, Mr. Sobell, 91, dramatically reversed himself, shedding new light on a case that still fans smoldering political passions. In an interview, he admitted for the first time that he had been a Soviet spy.