dilluns, 22 de setembre del 2008

Retrat del progre incontinent

Relació "d'arguments" polítics que els progres nord-americans dediquen a Sarah Palin:
** Leading Dem Barney Frank- Sarah Palin's family and pregnant teen are fair game.
** Chief Obama Supporter
Howard Gutman- She's a bad mother.
** Senator
Joe Biden- Palin would be a backward step for women.
** MTV Awards Host
Russell Brand- Sarah Palin. She’s a VILF! A vice president I’d like to... fondle.
** Senator
Barack Obama- It's just like putting lipstick on a pig.
** Hollywood's
Matt Damon- She's like this really bad Disney movie.
** Dem Leader
Carol Fowler- She's only qualified because she did not have an abortion.
** Professor
Wendy Doniger: Palin's biggest hypocrisy is her pretense that she's a woman.
** Comedian
Bill Maher: Palin is a snarling bitch.
** Film critic
Roger Ebert- She's a shallow, chirpy person with those vaguely alarming eyeglasses.
** Former Senator
Lincoln Chafee- Palin is a "cocky wacko."
** Hollywood's
Pamela Anderson- I can't stand her. She can suck it.
** Singer
Pink- Sarah Palin hates women.
** Comedian
Brad Garrett- Palin is white trash.
** Air America's
Randi Rhodes- She can't be trusted with teenage boys.
** Leftist
Juan Cole- Sarah Palin resembles those of Muslim fundamentalists.
** Author
Cintra Wilson - She's a fukable Christian Stepford wife in a ’sexy librarian’ costume.
** Wonder Woman
Linda Carter- America should be very afraid.
** Hollywood's
Lindsay Lohan- (She's) a narrow minded, media obsessed homophobe.Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL)- She doesn't know anything.
** Vagina Monologues author
Eve Ensler- Sarah Palin does not much believe in thinking.
** Actress
Sandra Bernhard- Turncoat bitch! Don’t you fuking reference Old Testament, bitch!