dimarts, 10 de març del 2009

La reforma educativa als Estats Units

Aquí, els sindicats de mestres i els intel·lectuals orgànics de l'esquerra considerarien reaccionària la reforma educativa que pensa promoure l'administració Obama. La veritat és que als Estats Units no tots els demòcrates hi estan d'acord, però el secretari d'Educació, Arne Duncan, s'ha decantat finalment per les idees i propostes de la responsable demòcrata d'educació a Washington D.C. Michelle Rhee. Què volen fer? Doncs, això:

- La idea central es: "To help struggling schools, the federal government will use stimulus funding to encourage states to expand school days, reward good teachers, fire bad ones".

- Amb diners no n'hi ha prou:"History has shown that money alone does not drive school improvement, Duncan said, pointing to the District of Columbia, where public school students consistently score near the bottom on national reading and math tests even though the school system spends more per pupil than its suburban counterparts do. D.C. has had more money than God for a long time, but the outcomes are still disastrous,"

- Més dies d'escola: "He pointed to longer school days, instituted by some public charter schools, as essential to help struggling students make up lost ground."

- Els professor bons cobraran més: "Duncan said the Obama administration aims to support performance pay to reward good teaching, individually and schoolwide. Beyond standardized test scores, Duncan mentioned classroom observation, parent and student surveys, and attendance as ways to help rate teacher effectiveness. "

- Enduriran les condicions per accedir a la plaça en propietat, però establiran un procediment per fer fora els professos ineficients: "We also have to make it easier to get rid of teachers when student achievement isn't happening," Duncan said. He added, however, that teacher tenure -- a form of job security that is a key issue in contract talks for D.C. teachers -- is not the main problem. Duncan said it was vital to make acquisition of tenure more rigorous and establish a fair, expeditious process to remove low-performing teachers.

- Una gran idea: "Duncan said schools should be treated as community hubs that provide health care, meals and other services to support at-risk families. Some schools in Chicago, for example, are open up to 14 hours a day and offer services from YMCAs to health clinics. School buildings don't belong to us. They don't belong to the unions. School buildings belong to the community," Duncan said. "Almost every school building has classrooms. They have computer labs. They have libraries. . . . Why are they open six hours a day? It's crazy."

Gràcies, F.C.

ADDENDA.- Aquesta tarda, Obama farà la presentació oficial del seu programa de reformes del sistema educatiu nord-americà.

ADDENDA 2.- Obama anuncia la reforma amb aquestes paraules:

"Let me be clear: If a teacher is given a chance but still does not improve, there is no excuse for that person to continue teaching," Obama said. "I reject a system that rewards failure and protects a person from its consequences."