dimecres, 18 de març del 2009

Les noies són molt millors sense els nois

Les noies tenen més possibilitats d'obtenir millors notes a l'ensenyament secundari i de continuar estudiant, si ho fan en aules on no hi ha nois. Això que vèiem tant reaccionari fa 30 anys, ara sembla que no ho és tant. Ho explica el diari britànic The Guardian, que no és precisament de dretes.
Girls are far more likely to thrive, get GCSEs and stay in education if they go to a single-sex school, according to new research, which reveals pupils who are struggling academically when they start secondary school reap the biggest rewards of girls-only schooling.

The analysis of the GCSE scores of more than 700,000 girls taught in the state sector concludes that those at girls'
schools consistently made more progress than those in co-ed secondaries.

The fact that pupils with the lowest test scores when they started secondary made the biggest leap in girls' school will reopen the debate about whether more children should have access to a single-sex education in order to drive up results.