divendres, 17 d’abril del 2009

La sequera a l'Àfrica és la norma i no està provocada per l'activitat humana

Aquesta és la conclusió d'un article que publica avui la revista "Science" i del que tampoc se'n faran ressò els nostres mitjans de comunicació, que avui estan molt ocupats espantant-nos amb la desparició de la meitat del delta de l'Ebre per a final de segle.

Although persistent drought in West Africa is well documented from the instrumental record and has been primarily attributed to changing Atlantic sea surface temperatures, little is known about the length, severity, and origin of drought before the 20th century. We combined geomorphic, isotopic, and geochemical evidence from the sediments of Lake Bosumtwi, Ghana, to reconstruct natural variability in the African monsoon over the past three millennia. We find that intervals of severe drought lasting for periods ranging from decades to centuries are characteristic of the monsoon and are linked to natural variations in Atlantic temperatures. Thus the severe drought of recent decades is not anomalous in the context of the past three millennia, indicating that the monsoon is capable of longer and more severe future droughts.
Sobre aquest tema que publica Science, Antón Uriarte ja n'havia parlat sense pèls a la llengua aquí i aquí.