dilluns, 25 de maig del 2009

De com els nois del NYT es van deixar escapar el Watergate

The New York Times:
The Watergate break-in eventually forced a presidential resignation and turned two Washington Post reporters into pop-culture heroes. But almost 37 years after the break-in, two former New York Times journalists have stepped forward to say that The Times had the scandal nearly in its grasp before The Post did — and let it slip.

L. Patrick Gray of the F.B.I. is said to have supplied tips to a Times reporter.
Robert M. Smith, a former Times reporter, says that two months after the burglary, over lunch at a Washington restaurant, the acting director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, L. Patrick Gray, disclosed explosive aspects of the case, including the culpability of the former attorney
general, John Mitchell, and hinted at White House involvement.