WASHINGTON -- The Obama administration said Tuesday it could continue to imprison non-U.S. citizens indefinitely even if they have been acquitted of terrorism charges by a U.S. military commission.No espereu que els nostres media diguin una sola dels milers de paraules que dirien si això ho fés Bush. Ah! què fràgil és la defensa dels drets humans...
Jeh Johnson, the Defense Department's chief lawyer, told the Senate Armed Services Committee that releasing a detainee who has been tried and found not guilty was a policy decision that officials would make based on their estimate of whether the prisoner posed a future threat.
Like the Bush administration, the Obama administration argues that the legal basis for indefinite detention of aliens it considers dangerous is separate from war-crimes prosecutions. Officials say that the laws of war allow indefinite detention to prevent aliens from committing warlike acts in future, while prosecution by military commission aims to punish them for war crimes committed in the past.
(Josep Pla)
divendres, 10 de juliol del 2009
Poden continuar detinguts indefinidament, tot i ser absolts
Ho veig al blog de Barcepundit i no m'ho crec. Però, sí. Sembla que es veritat. L'administració Obama va més enllà que la de Bush i afirma que es reserva el dret de mantenir detinguts indefinidament tots aquells ciutadans no nord-americans absolts pels tribunals de càrrecs de terrorisme, si creu que encara poden ser un perill.