dimecres, 2 de setembre del 2009

Ted Kennedy també va conspirar contra Carter

Fa uns dies, amb motiu de la mort de Ted Kennedy, publicava un post titulat "la traició del socialdemòcrata" en que recordava com l'ídol de la nostra progressia es va oferir als soviètics per atacar el president del seu país, Ronald Reagan. La informació era coneguda i havia sorgit dels arxius soviètics després de la caiguda del règim comunista. El que no sabia és que Ted Kennedy havia fet una cosa similar anys abans contra el seu correligionari Jimmy Carter. 
Another KGB report to their bosses revealed that on March 5, 1980, John Tunney met with the KGB in Moscow on behalf of Sen. Kennedy. Tunney expressed Kennedy’s opinion that “nonsense about ‘the Soviet military threat’ and Soviet ambitions for military expansion in the Persian Gulf… was being fueled by [President Jimmy] Carter, [National Security Advisor Zbigniew] Brzezinski, the Pentagon and the military industrial complex.”

Kennedy offered to speak out against President Carter on Afghanistan. Shortly thereafter he made public speeches opposing President Carter on this issue. This document was found in KGB archives by Vasiliy Mitrokhin, a courageous KGB officer, who copied documents from the files and then defected to the West. He wrote about this document in a February 2002 paper on Afghanistan that he released through the Cold War International History Project of the Woodrow Wilson Center.