dimarts, 22 de juny del 2010

El Regne Unit puja l'IVA del 17,5 al 20%

Les mesures d'austeritat i contra la crisi adoptades pel govern liberal-conservador britànic:

- Anyone who sets up a new business outside London, the south-east and east of England will be exempt from £5,000 of National Insurance contributions for each of first 10 employees they hire, the chancellor announces.

  1. Final surprise measure - Chancellor announces extra 150 a year for low income families as part of child tax credit hace menos de 5 segundos via txt
  2. Osborne confirms restoring link of pensions and earnings next year - huge cheers on tory benches hace 2 minutos via txt
  3. Capital gains - 18 percent stays for lower rate taxpayers but goes up to 28 percent for higher rate payers - no tapers or indexes hace 7 minutos via txt
  4. Osborne confirms scrapping of cider tax - joke about needing cider to drown sorrows over the world cup falls flat hace 10 minutos via txt
  5. VAT up to 20 percent from January - finger pointing and shouting on both sides of the Commons. Osborne says it is 'unavoidable' hace 12 minutos via txt
  6. Osborne confirms bank levy will start from Jan 2011 and says France and Germany are committed to it too hace 17 minutos via txt
  7. Osborne outlines cuts in corporation tax year by year - 28 percent, then 27 and so on hace 22 minutos via txt
  8. Maximum limit on housing benefit will be imposed - benefit changes in sum will save 11 billion Osborne says hace 24 minutos via txt
  9. Child benefit freeze for 3 years + disability living allowance claimants will face a new medical test hace 26 minutos via txt
  10. Darling's prediction come true-benefits other than pensions will link to CPI not RPI in future - lower rate of inflation so saves 6 bn a ... hace 28 minutos via txt
  11. Public sector pay freeze will be two years but those on less than 21 000 a year will get a small pay rise instead hace 33 minutos via txt
  12. Budget: departments other than health and overseas aid will have cash cut by 25 percent over next 4 years hace 35 minutos via txt
  13. Budget-confirms plan to sell air traffic control, student loans book, and the Tote and freeze to the Civil List hace 37 minutos via txt
  14. Osborne says he will cut 30 billion a year from public spending hace 40 minutos via txt
  15. Clegg almost manages a laugh when Osborne says he has abolished the 'euro preparations unit' hace 41 minutos via txt
  16. And confirms spending cuts will be 77 percent of tackling deficit, 23 percent from tax rises hace 42 minutos via txt
  17. Osborne confirms he wants to balance the books within 5 years - compared to labour's previous plan to halve deficit hace cerca de 1 hora via txt