THE COURT: There will be no trial of any kind, and you will stand convicted, beyond a reasonable doubt, of the charge against you, on each of the charges against you, if you continue to plead guilty. Do you understand that?
THE DEFENDANT: I understand that.
THE COURT: All right. I want to also ask you, has anybody promised you anything in connection with this plea?
THE COURT: Has anybody threatened you in connection with this plea?
THE COURT: Why do you want to plead guilty?
THE DEFENDANT: I want to plead guilty and I'm going to plead guilty a hundred times forward because until the hour the US pulls it forces from Iraq and Afghanistan and stops the drone strikes in Somalia and Yemen and in Pakistan and stops the occupation of Muslim lands and stops killing the Muslims and stops reporting the Muslims to its government, we will be attacking US, and I plead guilty to that.
THE COURT: Well, do you understand the penalties that youare facing if I enter your pleas of guilty?
La seva declaració deixa clar, una vegada més, que pels militants islamistes els atemptats són accions de guerra. Els tribunals no tenen sentit per a ells, perquè són soldats, combatents que no s'amaguen i que no tenen res a amagar. Lluiten contra els dolents de la seva pel·lícula. Són, sí senyor, culpables d'atacar el malvat Occident. És igual la condemna. Seran màrtirs i Al·là els absoldrà.