dijous, 15 de juliol del 2010

Jabotinsky va planejar matar a Hitler

El desembre de 1939, quatre mesos després del començament de la Segona Guerra Mundial, líder sionista Zeev Jabotinsky, es va reunir amb el coronel britànic a la reserva Richard Henry Meinertzhagen per intentar rebre el suport de Londres al seu pla per assassinar Hitler. Aquesta conversa apareix documentada en el diari privat del coronel, que es va publicar a Londres l’any 1959, però que va passar desapercebuda. Londres no va donar suport als plans de Jabotinsky.
Jabotinsky: I have brought a plan to bomb Hitler and the entire Nazi leadership.  
Meinertzhagen: An ambitious plot.
Jabotinsky: An attainable one.
Meinertzhagen: Do elaborate.
Jabotinsky: A number of high-ranking Nazis in Munich must be assassinated. Their funeral will require the arrival of their senior comrades, including Hitler. Bombs containing 100 kilograms of explosives will be concealed in one of the coffins. As all the Nazis gather around the grave, 100 kilograms of bombs will explode and they'll all move on to the next world.
Meinertzhagen: Who will activatethe bomb system?
Jabotinsky: The Jewish gravedigger in Munich. He's a friend of mine.

The colonel, who was impressed by the plan, presented it to the Foreign Office in London. He concluded this chapter in one short line in his diary: The Foreign Office frowned and the Nazis were saved.