Sharansky feels so strongly about this because it was 25 years ago today that he won his freedom with the great support of President Reagan, who led America and Europe to oppose a policy of appeasement of dictators.
“Speaking from experience, I’m deeply disappointed to hear how quickly the free world can forget about the lessons of its own success and ignore its lessons.”
The point right now for Sharanksy is what the leaders of the free world will do.
“It is very important what the conditions of the agreement [between the leaders of the free world and Egypt] will be,” Sharanksy says.
“What is really happening is a moment of unique opportunities — whether these opportunities will be used or not, depends more on the leaders of the free world,” Sharanksy said. “What was happening for the last 100 years was a peace pact between leaders of the free world and leaders of the Arab world. Now we should come to them [leaders of the Arab world] with our values.”
(Josep Pla)
divendres, 11 de febrer del 2011
Sharansky demana un Reagan que acabi amb les dictadures àrabs
L'exdissident soviètic i actual polític i autor isrealià, Natan Sharanski, ha dit que ha arribat el moment perquè els líders del món lliure vinculin la seva cooperació a la demanda de reformes democràtiques "Des del temps de Laurence d'Aràbia, el món lliure ha estat donant suport als dictadors i a l'aixafament de qualsevol moviment democràtic". Per això els demana que facin com Ronald Reagan, que va exercir un paper crucial en la fi de les dictadures comunistes.