dilluns, 21 de març del 2011

L'emperador està nu: mentre el món crema, toca la lira

Mentre el Japó pateix la catàstrofe més gran de la seva història, el Pròxim Orient està revoltat de nord a sud i d'est a oest, el preu de la gasolina està pels núvols i el govern dels Estats Units és a punt de suspendre pagaments per falta de pressupost, Obama està "missing". En ple inici de l'operació militar "Odissea a l'Alba" contra Gaddafi, Obama s'en va de viatge a l'Amèrica Llatina.Veklerov Eugene, a "American Thinker", es pregunta: Què ha sigut d'aquell gegant que es passejava per sobre del món durant la campanya electoral? On han anat a parar totes les flors? On és el colós dotat de capacitats i poders sobrehumans? I conclou: Obama no hi és. El seu defecte més preocupant és la passivitat. Li agrada jugar i filosofar però no gaire treballar i tocar de peus a terra. El que veiem és tot el que hi ha. A Obama el persegueix la seva pròpia incompetència, en plena retirada, desinteressat i despreocupat.

Amid all the turmoil,  he discusses an apparently world historical issue of school bullying; honors the 2009-10 Stanley Cup Champion Chicago Blackhawks; delivers a radio address on another all-important subject, "Women's History Month;"  attends a fund-raiser;  goes golfing (that darned weather: it was just too nice for the President to resist the temptation of hitting the links -- for the 61th time in his two plus years in office); yuks it up with the Washington press corps (pronounced "k-o-r", not "k-o-r-p-s," try to remember this, Mr. President) at the annual Gridiron Dinner. And to top it all off, the crowning event in Barack Obama's busy schedule -- drum roll, please! -- videotaping his NCAA tournament bracket picks. (Think about it: Obama discusses basketball with authority, which means that he must be spending a lot of time watching the games and listening to sports commentators. Exactly what he was elected for, wasn't he?) While Rome burned, Nero fiddled. While the world burns, Obama ponders the outcome of a college basketball tournament.

Faced with this blatant display of indolence and indomitable refusal to fulfill the duties of his office, Obama's supporters are puzzled: What happened to the giant who bestrode the world during the election campaign? Where have all the flowers gone? Something is definitely amiss.  But what? Muses NYT putative conservative David Brooks, he of the creased pant leg fame,  "All in all, President Obama is an astoundingly complicated person. During the 2008 presidential campaign, and during the first two years of his term, I would have said that his troubling flaw was hubris -- his attempts to do everything at once. But he seems to have an amazing capacity to self-observe and adjust. Now I'd say his worrying flaw is passivity."  Maybe he is saving his extraordinary talents for a really monumental task deserving his undivided attention -- perhaps making bracket picks come NBA playoff time?

Gairebé com Zapatero.