dijous, 7 d’abril del 2011

El 63% dels egipcis volen mantenir els acords de pau amb Israel

Una enquesta feta per un think tank de l'ONU a la que ha tingut accés el diari "The Wall Street Journal" indica que el 63% dels egipcis volen mantenir el tractat de pau amb Israel i que hi ha menys entusiasme per un govern islamista del que molts analistes podrien pensar. Mentre que el 38% diu tenir una opinió favorable dels Germans Musulmans, gairebé el 50% es decanten pel secular Partit Wafd. El 82% desitja que continui la liberalització econòmica, tot i que una majoria vol que l'estat protegeixi els llocs de treball.

The new poll indicates that there is less enthusiasm for an Islamist government in Egypt than many analysts may have thought. While 38% said they had a favorable opinion of the Muslim Brotherhood, nearly 50% said they thought positively of the secular Wafd Party.

More than 60% of those polled wanted Egypt to honor its peace treaty with Israel, while ensuring the creation of an independent Palestinian state.

"Maintaining and advancing peace with Israel has far wider appeal than a rupture in relations," reads the report on the poll.

Pollsters surveyed by telephone 615 randomly chosen people from across Egypt. Of those, 80% said they had favorable impression of Mr. Moussa, compared with 10% for the leader of the Muslim Brotherhood, Mohammed Badie. The group has said it won't field a candidate for the presidential election, for which a date has yet to be set.

Mohamed ElBaradei, whose Nobel Prize as head of the U.N.'s nuclear watchdog makes him perhaps best known in the West among likely candidates, garnered support from just 2% of those polled. Wael Ghonim, the Google executive who played a central role in fomenting the uprising that drove Mr. Mubarak from power, also had 2%.

"Amr Moussa appears as the front-runner for the presidential election," the report said. "But competition will increase once the presidential campaign commences."

Egyptians also gave high ratings to the country's military and an amalgam of liberal organizations that drove the revolution against Mr. Mubarak.

Of those polled, 82% wanted Cairo to continue to pursue economic liberalization and an opening to foreign trade, though there was also a desire for the state to play a more central job in preserving jobs.