dimecres, 27 d’abril del 2011

Wikileaks: La connexió Al-Qaeda-Iraq confirmada, una vegada més

Dels documents de Wikileaks, els diaris que tenen l'exclusiva només publiquen el que els interessa. I això no els interessa perquè va en contra de la versió socialdemòcrata de la guerra de l'Iraq.
A former Guantanamo detainee “was identified as an Iraqi intelligence officer who relocated to Afghanistan (AF) in 1998 where he served as a senior Taliban Intelligence Directorate officer in Mazar-E-Sharif,” according to a recently leaked assessment written by American intelligence analysts. The former detainee, an Iraqi named Jawad Jabber Sadkhan, “admittedly forged official documents and reportedly provided liaison between the governments of Afghanistan and Iraq.”

Sadkhan’s al Qaeda ties reached all the way to Osama bin Laden, according to the intelligence assessment. He reportedly received money from Osama bin Laden both before and after the September 11 attacks.

(Via Barcepundit)