dijous, 11 de novembre del 2004

Evitem la lapidació a l'Iran de la nena de 13 anys Jila Izadi

Jila Izadi, de 13 anys, va ser condemnada a mort per lapidació per un tribunal de Marivan, a l'Iran, per haver tingut relacions sexuals fora del matrimoni amb el seu germà de 15 anys. En avançat estat de gestació, ha donat a llum a la presó. Va ser empresonada en avançat estat de gestació i ha donat a llum. El 17 d'octubre, el règim iranià va anunciar que per ser molt petita i desconèixer la sharia seria sotmesa al "tazir, que es el càstig reservat als actes no descrits per l'Alcorà. Per aquest motiu els jutges poden aplicar-li la pena que considerin més apropiada, però en cap cas queda descartada la lapidació.

Podeu enviar aquesta carta de protesta a les atoritats iranianes:
"Dear Sir,

I am writing to express my concern as to the fate of Jila Izadi, aged 13 and condemned to the tazir for having had sexual relations with her brother. The tazir does not exclude the death penalty, and I take it upon myself therefore to remind you of your obligations under the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, specifically Article 3. This states: “Every individual has the right to
life, liberty and personal security.”
Stoning is incompatible with Iran’s obligations towards International Law concerning Human Rights. (The International Treaty on Civil and Political Rights, ratified by Iran on the 24 June 1975, effective as of the 23 March 1976).
As a ratifying Party to this International Treaty and to the International Convention on Child Rights, Iran is prohibited from executing minors. These two Conventions stipulate that the death penalty can only be applied to people of at least 18 years of age at the time the offence was committed.
I also take the liberty of underlining the fact that, because of her young age, this girl may well have been a victim of sexual relations with her brother to which she did not consent. If this was not the case, her young age would not enable her to have full knowledge of all the precepts of the sharia.
Given your concern for respecting Human Rights, I am persuaded that you will know how best to respect those of Jila Izadi and that you will therefore free this young girl as quickly as possible.

Very respectfully yours, "
Per enviar-ho al Guia Espiritual de la República Islàmica poseu a la casella ASSUMPTE el text següent: "For the attention of the Office of His Excellency, Ayatollah al Udhma Khamenei, Qom". Hi ha dues adreces: info@wilayah.org o webmaster@wilayah.org