dimecres, 10 de novembre del 2004

Suha posa preu a la mort d'Arafat

Poques coses més es poden dir sobre la naturalesa del règim palestí que la vergonyant compra i venda de l'acta de defunció de Yasser Arafat. Ho escriu "Haaretz", un diari isrealià no precisament antipalestí.

Suha Arafat has rejected a $2 million financial settlement from Palestinian figures acting on behalf of the Palestinian Authority, according to French sources, who are becoming increasingly impatient with the wife of the deeply comatose Palestinian leader, Yasser Arafat. The settlement was aimed at persuading Suha Arafat to allow completion of the tests that would finally determine the chairman's death. Contacts between Suha Arafat and the Palestinian financiers began as soon as it became clear that Arafat would have to be flown to France for emergency medical treatment.
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