ISLAMABAD, March 10 (Tahir Murtaza): Pakistan on Thursday, for the first time openly admitted that Nuclear Scientist and father of Pakistani atomic bomb Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan has provided centrifuges to Iran that can be used to purify ranium for nuclear weapons. Pakistan has admitted in the past that A.Q.Khan muggled nuclear secrets to North Korea, Iran and Libya, but has not given specifics as to what he supplied.Perdoneu el lapsus en l'anotació orginal que posava Saddam enlloc d'Iran. No cal que confessi el meu rebuig visceral pel carnicer de Bagdad, però això no permet dir una cosa per altre. Les presses passen factura. Gràcies Barcepundit per advertir-me. Disculpeu.
(Josep Pla)