La pregunta la formula un reportatge de la televisió pública alemanya que s’emetrà divendres que ve, segons publica SPIEGEL ONLINE.
BARCEPUNDIT anota una referència del Telegraph sobre el mateix documental.“A documentary to air later this week on German public television provides what its producers believe is the strongest evidence yet linking the regime of Fidel Castro to the assassination of John F. Kennedy. It also provides a motive -- sources in the film claim that Cuban intelligence agents contracted Lee Harvey Oswald, a willing drifter, to kill the president in retaliation for several foiled assassination attempts plotted by JFK's brother, then-attorney general Robert Kennedy, against Castro.
"For me, the essence of the assassination has been explained," German filmmaker Wilfried Huismann said after a preview in Berlin on Wednesday of his new documentary on Kennedy's murder, "Rendezvous With Death." His movie may not be the alpha and the omega of JFK scholarship, he says, but at least he can grasp the "political context" of Kennedy's sudden death.
Award-winning filmmaker Huismann relies on newly declassified documents from the Mexican government as well as interviews with aging, colorful insiders from the Cuban intelligence service, G2, the FBI and a veteran American statesman.”