divendres, 24 de febrer del 2006

Això és Hamas

Vídeo penjat a la web de Hamas amb el missatge de dos terroristes suïcides (14/02/2006)

Vídeo clip penjat a la pàgina oficial de Hamas després de la seva victòria electoral(06/02/2006)

ADDENDA.- Daniel Pipes recupera un document desclassificat nord-americà de 1946 que ja identifica els problemes i les amenaces potencials del món musulmà.

With few exceptions, the states [in the Muslim world] are marked by poverty, ignorance, and stagnation. It is full of discontent and frustration, yet alive with consciousness of its inferiority and with determination to achieve some kind of betterment. Two basic urges meet head-on in this area, and conflict is inherent in this collision of interests. These urges reveal themselves in the daily news accounts of killings and terrorism, of pressure groups in opposition, and of raw nationalism and naked expansionism masquerading as diplomatic maneuvers. The first of these urges originates within the Moslems' own sphere. The Moslems remember the power with which once they not only ruled their own domains but also overpowered half of Europe, yet they are painfully aware of their present economic, cultural and military impoverishment. Thus a terrific internal pressure is building up in their collective thinking. The Moslems intend, by any means possible, to regain political independence and to reap the profits of their own resources. … The area, in short, has an inferiority complex, and its activities are thus as unpredictable as those of any individual so motivated.