Naser Khader, diputat del parlament danès pel Partit Social Liberal, està
promovent una xarxa de musulmans moderats que no se senten representats pels imams fonamentalistes que prediquen l'aplicació de la Sharia, l’opressió de la dona i la guerra santa. En una
entrevista al Jyllands-Posten, Khader condemna els atacs contra les ambaixades daneses i d’altres països occidentals a Damasc i
qualifica els immams de Dinamarca d’hipòcrites
“After all no one is forcing them to [live in Denmark]. They can always move to one of the countries in the Middle East which are based on the Muslim values they insist on living by. It seems that their loyalty is mainly to countries such as Saudi Arabia, so I think they should move there. I am tired of hearing them complain about the situation in this country which has given them shelter, freedom of expression, freedom of religion and tons of opportunities for their children. If they cannot be loyal to the values of this country they should leave and by that do the majority of Danish Muslims a big favour. The imams should stop critizising the cartoons and instead critizise the terrorists that cut the throats of innocent hostages in the name of Allah and therefore abuse Islam. But on such occasions we never hear a word from them. Hence, they are hypocrites.”