Aquest afganès de 41 anys està acusat d'apostasia per un tribunal de l'Afganistan i pot ser sentenciat a la pena de mort, segons la llei islàmica.
Abdul Rahman es va convertir al cristianisme fa 16 anys, quan treballava per una ONG cristiana a Peshawar, al Paquistan. La mobilització internacional, a la que s'hi a sumat la Casa Blanca, sembla que podrà evitar aquest nou crim del fanatisme islàmic. Tot i això, segons informa el "
The Jeruslem Post", els clergues islamics afganesos volen la decapitació de Rahman i adverteixen al govern de Karzai que no ho impedeixi.
But four senior clerics interviewed by The Associated Press in their mosques in Kabul said Rahman deserved to be killed for his conversion.
"He is not crazy. He went in front of the media and confessed to being a Christian," said Hamidullah, chief cleric at Haji Yacob Mosque.
"The government is scared of the international community. But the people will kill him if he is freed."
"He is not mad. The government is playing games. The people will not be fooled," said Abdul Raoulf, cleric at Herati Mosque. "This is humiliating for Islam. ... Cut off his head."
Raoulf is considered a moderate cleric in Afghanistan. He was jailed three times for criticizing the Taliban's policies before the hard-line regime was ousted by US-led forces in 2001.